Bit of Fun mascot the Jester Queen

Sharing Humor, Beauty and Art

Bit of Fun is full of fun stuff, weird photos, jokes and funny videos from 20 years on the web. These are our recently archived pages.

Humorous Pranks
Where is My Phone

Where is My Phone

A hidden camera prank, but it doesn't take a team of crack investigators to find this phone.

Manila Urban Downhill Run

Manila Urban Downhill Run

Downhill racers thread the needle in the woods regularly, but changing to a cityscape for urban races ups the ante

Calling the Game

Calling the Game

A couple of goofy announcers call a basketball game in hilariously inappropriate fashion.

Humor from the Forum

Humorous Marriage Advice

The formula for a happy marriage is the same as the one for living in California. - When you find a fault, don't dwell on it.

A smart husband is one who thinks twice before saying nothing.

Knowledge Made Entertaining
Are You Normal?

Are You Normal?

You may not be as normal as you thought! If you can't roll your tongue you are in the minority, on the other hand if you have dark hair you're in the majority and part of the norm.

It's A Big One

It's A Big One

Marine biologist gets a little too excited over a certain parts of a whale

Fun Facts

IPA’s were originally delivered by the British to their troops in India. India Pale Ales were highly hopped & highly alcoholic to preserve the beer during its long voyage.

Stand-up Comedy
It's Been a Weird Week

It's Been a Weird Week

Comedian Ron White tells us about his week in Las Vegas that somehow begins as he waits patiently for his wife so they can fly out together - but patience is not his strong suit.

Interactive and Visual Art
Stained Glass and the Sun

Stained Glass and the Sun

A psychedelic fractal festival from the imaginationof visual effects designer and fractal artist Julius Horsthuis.

Humor from the Forum

The Human Soul

The human soul weighs 1.2lbs...

I know because I've weighed myself before and after a day of work.

Funny Pranks
Pregnant Wife Shocker

Pregnant Wife Shocker

A humorous prank that really gets women riled up. A pregnant woman on a stretcher is waiting for an ambulance a bystander is asked to hold a saline bag while the ambulance driver gets things ready.

Fun Facts

An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire 50 miles long.

A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.

Bit of Fun gratefully acknowledges and deeply appreciates all the material sent in by email and posted to the forum. Without you, we would not be able to keep up the pace.